
Dragonflies and Damselflies from A Wandering Naturalist

Monday, June 26, 2017

Welcome to Orenstein's Odonata!

This blog is a collection of dragonfly and damselfly photographs from my nature-travel blog A Wandering Naturalist.  Classification follows the World Odonata List as edited by Martin Schorr and Dennis Paulson, revised as of 22 June 2017.  Following that list, entries within families are in alphabetical order.  Photographs are posted more or less chronologically.

My entries to A Wandering Naturalist are getting more and more out of date, so this blog also contains more recent photos that will, I hope, appear one day as part of Wandering Naturalist entries.  I have also included a few photos that, for one reason or another, did not end up in a Wandering Naturalist entry but are, I think, worth including here.

The captions for all photos relating to published entries in A Wandering Naturalist are linked to their relevant entries.

I am grateful to Rory Dow, Dennis Paulson, Angelo Pinto and others for identifying some of these photographs; the responsibility for errors is, of course, my own.

Click on these links to get to each page of photographs (There will be more to come - remember that this is still very much a work in progress!):

1. Synlestidae, Lestidae, Platystictidae, Argiolestidae, Calopterygidae

2. Chlorocyphidae, Devadattidae, Euphaeidae

3. Philosinidae, Platycnemididae

4. Coenagrionidae 1. Acanthagrion to Enallagma

5. Coenagrionidae 2. Ischnura to Xanthocnemis

6. Aeshnidae

7. Gomphidae

8. Corduliidae

9. Libellulidae 1. Acisoma to Crocothemis

10. Libellulidae 2. Diplacodes to Leucorrhinia

11. Libellulidae 3. Libellula to Micrathyria

12. Libellulidae 4. Nannophya to Orthemis

13. Libellulidae 5. Orthetrum

14. Libellulidae 6. Pachydiplax to Rhodothemis

15. Libellulidae 7. Rhyothemis to Tholymis

16. Libellulidae 8. Tramea to Zyxomma

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